
Exotic Animals

Cats and dogs are amazing pets to have, but you may be considering something a little more...exotic. Exotic pets may not be as popular as other animals that you are used to seeing as part of a family’s household, but they can be just as fun, rewarding, and easy to form bonds with! 

Birds, for example, are highly intelligent animals that can be taught to or vocalize. Turtles, if provided the proper habitat and dietary requirements, can be another great addition to your home with their unique personalities. Reptiles are quiet, low-maintenance, scaly friends that can also offer you companionship without all the hassle. Read more below to discover what type of care each of these animals needs and if they’re right for you.

  • Breed Characteristics

    Each cat breed has certain characteristics. Although every cat is unique, certain breeds tend to be more inquisitive, lively, placid, vocal, or gentle than others. Veterinarians, cat-fancy clubs, pet stores, and cat shows are good sources of information about the personalities of various breeds. When

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  • Pet Shop

    A pet shop is a place where dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, reptiles, rodents, fish, and other animals not born and raised on those premises are kept for the purpose of sale to the public. While many people are very satisfied with the pets they acquire from pet stores, critics of pet stores argue that there

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  • Rescue Agency

    Rescuing an animal is a wonderful option for some families. Animals find their way into rescue agencies for a variety of reasons. Some may have been accidentally lost or abandoned. Others may have been given up due to their owners' illness, death, or other change in circumstance. You may not be able

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  • Chickens

    Choosing a Pet Chicken Maybe, you want the luxury of freshly laid eggs. Maybe, you think chickens are interesting animals and would make good pets. Before you rush out and purchase a coop and chicken feed, you should understand what's entailed in keeping them healthy and safe. General Information Make

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  • Turkeys

    While all animals have unique personalities, turkeys are usually docile animals. They can be interesting pets to have. However, like any pet, they require a certain level of care to remain healthy and content. Before you decide to purchase turkeys, you should understand what the care entails. Housing Keep

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  • Ducks

    You might enjoy feeding the ducks at the pond. When you see them interact with their environment, it may make you smile. Ultimately, this could provoke you to want to go out and buy one, so you have that feeling all the time. While you might not think that a duck takes a great deal of work, there's more

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  • You & Your Vet

    Your veterinarian will rely on your awareness of small changes in your pet's behavior or habits. As the pet owner, you must communicate your pet's health care needs to your veterinarian. No one knows your pet like you. Many signs of illness are subtle. Your veterinarian will rely on your awareness of

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  • What We Do

    Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Surgeons are medical professionals whose primary responsibility is protecting the health and welfare of animals and people. The term "veterinarian" comes from veterinae, which means "working animals." Every veterinarian has gone through extensive medical

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  • The Veterinary Approach

    Veterinarians employ state-of-the-art technology that is very similar to technology used in the treatment of humans. Veterinarians in private clinical practice work to prevent disease and other health problems in their patients. They examine animal patients, vaccinate them against diseases, prevent the

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  • What We Learn

    Students interested in a career in veterinary medicine should begin their preparation by doing well in general science and biology in junior high school. They need to take a strong science, math, and biology program in high school. Admission into veterinary medical school is competitive. To be considered

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  • Euthanasia

    You may have concluded that it's time to euthanize a pet. Or, maybe the vet told you that euthanizing is in the pet's best interest. Now, you have a responsibility. You now have to explain to your child what happens during the process. You also have to emphasize the fact that the procedure is humane

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  • Rainbow Bridge

    You understand that pets get older, they suffer from health problems, and several other issues can affect their lifespans. Children don't quite understand that pets reach the end of their lives. Your child may have a great deal of emotion when a pet passes or is going to be euthanized. They might also

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  • Pet Therapy

    If you have a child who is struggling, pet therapy for children is a proven therapy treatment that works for a variety of conditions. Your child will likely respond very well to an emotional support animal. Your veterinarian can offer more information about this form of treatment, too. What is Pet Therapy

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  • Advantages & Benefits

    If you’re still on the fence about getting a pet for your child, you should know that there are many benefits of owning a pet for children. Of course, there are responsibilities and other aspects of pet ownership that need to be considered. Owning a pet is a big decision. But there are definitely more

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  • Introductions

    Bringing an animal home to become a member of your family is certainly an exciting time. However, you want to be careful when your new cat or dog first meets your kids. Here are a few of our best tips on how to introduce new pets to children in a way that fosters a bond from the very start. Have Plenty

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  • Mistakes to Avoid as a Cat Owner

    Do you make any of these common mistakes with your cat?

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