
Exotic Animals

Cats and dogs are amazing pets to have, but you may be considering something a little more...exotic. Exotic pets may not be as popular as other animals that you are used to seeing as part of a family’s household, but they can be just as fun, rewarding, and easy to form bonds with! 

Birds, for example, are highly intelligent animals that can be taught to or vocalize. Turtles, if provided the proper habitat and dietary requirements, can be another great addition to your home with their unique personalities. Reptiles are quiet, low-maintenance, scaly friends that can also offer you companionship without all the hassle. Read more below to discover what type of care each of these animals needs and if they’re right for you.

  • Pain Management in Pets

    Arthritis and chronic pain are not purely human conditions. Dogs and cats feel pain too and arthritis causes long term pain that can affect your their behavior and activity level. Modern veterinary diagnostics and therapies can offer some hope. Pain has many causes. When it happens to your pet friends,

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  • Red Eared Sliders

    Red eared sliders are semi aquatic turtles that are very commonly kept as pets. Unfortunately, lack of understanding what they require means that many red eared sliders have died from improper care. While they are not overly demanding as pets, many unsuspecting owners have been told that it was fine

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  • Blue Tongued Skinks

    Blue tongued skinks are quite and gentle, and quite easily tamed and handled. It is reported that even wild blue tongued skinks will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up without a struggle. Popular as pets, blue tongued skinks or "skinks" are moderately sized lizards native to Australia. They live

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  • Bearded Dragons

    Bearded dragons are generally docile, and their aggressive displays are rarely seen in captivity. It is reported that even wild bearded dragons will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up without a struggle. Popular as pets, bearded dragons or "beardies" are moderately sized lizards native to Australia.

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  • Dogs Going Green

    Green Do's & Don'ts Do use all-natural yarn when knitting your doggie a sweater. Do frequent your nearby dog park for a free afternoon of outdoor fun. Don't forget to bring along your recyclable, eco-friendly doggie waste bags. Don't think

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  • Declawing Alternatives for Cats

    Cat declawing is possibly one of the most controversial of all animal surgeries. Cats scratch to mark territory and to keep their claws in top condition, but the scratching behavior can challenge the bond between a cat and his owner. Felines, especially young cats, often play rough and scratch their

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  • Dogs and Kids

    The image of your child and dog as inseparable, best friends is a great one that we'd all love to be reality. With the right awareness, our children and pets CAN have the wonderful relationships we hope for. Here are some tips that all families with children and dogs will want to know.

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  • Basic Dog Training

    Although there are various techniques used to train dogs, the basics of any training regime are consistency and plenty of exercise. Discipline and affection are also key to a well-trained dog. Dogs need a leader - they feel more confident with a leader. If their owner is not the leader, they will take

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  • Dog Bite Prevention

    DID YOU KNOW? About 1 million people a year require medical attention as a result of dog bites. **2 Dog Bite Prevention week is held during the third week in May each year. Neutering dogs has been proven to prevent dog bites. Neutered dogs are not as aggressive as other dogs. An estimated

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  • Deciding to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

    Spaying and neutering your pet is a common practice in the United States. With so many animals in the United States (and around the world) n­eeding homes, spaying or neutering your pet is the responsible way to help end pet homelessness. Spaying and neutering (also referred to as "sterilizing" or

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  • De-Skunking Your Dog

    De-Skunk Your House Now that you have gotten the smell off of your dog, you will need to get the smell out of your house. The same solution that is described above works both for dogs and for items around your house such as carpets, couches, etc. However, the peroxide in the solution can

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  • Canine Environmental Enrichment

    Does your dog like to bark, dig and chew everything in his line of sight? Before you panic and head straight for doggy boot camp, the solution may be simpler than you think. Just as humans do, dogs get bored. Unlike humans, however, dogs have fewer means of passing the time. Instead, bored dogs can develop

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  • Assisting Anxious Pets

    Pet anxiety can be a huge problem for pets and their families. Being home alone for several hours a day while their humans are at school or work can cause separation anxiety. Thunderstorms and fireworks can also really panic pets. Some pets are so anxious that any new situation (car trips, moving, unexpected

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  • Does Your Young Dog or Puppy Have Pain or Lameness?

    Young puppies are expected to be full of life and energy. They are enthusiastic about playtime, walks and exercise. Puppies will often follow you wherever you go, can disrupt your nap or quiet time in their excitement to show you something new, and be always ready for playtime and fun. When puppies and

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  • A Tired Dog is a Happy Dog

    No species on earth varies as much as the domestic dog. Dogs can weigh two pounds or two hundred pounds. We have developed different breeds of dogs to fit all kinds of different occupations. Some dogs such as retrievers are bred to return things to us. Herding breeds such as border collies have been

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  • A Moving Experience

    Did You Know? Fish are the only pets that require no certificates or permits of any sort when they are relocated from one state to another. The more exotic the pet, the more complex the regulations are surrounding its entry into a new state of residence. Moving, whether across the street or

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